About Us

Welcome to IJCR Central, the cornerstone of medical and research education excellence. IJCR Central is registered as an educational institution in Delaware, USA, committed to nurturing the minds of future healthcare leaders. Our institution offers a comprehensive suite of educational offerings designed to equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in clinical research and beyond. From meticulously curated research courses to globally recognized international conferences, IJCR Central serves as a dynamic hub for intellectual growth and professional development.

Aims and Goals

At IJCR Central, our aim is to foster a community of adept healthcare professionals through a range of educational opportunities. We prioritize inclusivity and accessibility within the academic sphere, championing the promotion of open access research. Through our initiatives, including our esteemed Medical Student Advisory Board, we ensure that student perspectives remain integral to our endeavors, guiding our strategic initiatives with precision and foresight. At IJCR Central, we work to:

Provide top-tier medical and clinical research education

Eliminate obstacles to ensure every aspiring professional has the opportunity to excel

Through our online learning platforms, AI tools and latest innovations

Provide international opportunities to engage in research projects

Cultivate a network of elite healthcare professionals ready to improve health outcomes and well-being globally.

Continuous improvement of our organization to ensure relevance and impact in the fast-evolving medical landscape.

To create a healthier tomorrow beyond traditional boundaries.

Our Divisions

IJCR Central is made up of a variety of divisions, and included within IJCR Central is the IJCR Journal, a medical journal that is unique in being open access with zero article processing charges, as well as the MSAB, the Medical Student Advisory Board, which represents our biggest division of future physicians and researchers who aim at promoting research education and medical insights.

The other divisions at IJCR Central include:


The Executive Department

The Marketing and Technology Department

The Outreach Department

The Editorial Office

The Education Department

The Research Liaison Office

Meet the Team!

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Gregory Nicolas
Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Nancy Emmanuel
Education Department

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Alipio Nicolas
Chief Information Officer

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Said Jabbour
Chief Legal Officer

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Reina Ibrahim
General Manager

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Elio Saad
Marketing and Technology Department

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Abed AlRazzak Kerhani
Marketing and Technology Department


Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Jana Dib El Jalbout Education Department

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Heba Sati
Editorial Office


Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Mohd Faizan Siddiqui
Education Department & Editorial Manager

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Perla Ghalloub
Managing Editor

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Mariana Flaifel
Outreach Department

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Peter Samuel
Outreach Department

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Dr. Mira Jardak
MSAB Director

Dr. Gregory Nicolas

Hamza Dib
Education Department

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